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1 thecommodore  May 12, 2015 4:30:01pm
2 Lord Of The Pies  May 12, 2015 7:10:54pm

Who ever heard of a store selling products that appeal to the local demographics. What kind of bullshit is that?

3 calochortus  May 12, 2015 7:21:28pm

Just because there’s a perfectly good explanation for something doesn’t mean that there might not be a time when Real ‘Muricans are forced to cave in to the demands of…

4 Eigth Immortal  May 12, 2015 7:35:37pm

Don’t let him anywhere near Pennsylvania. Our liquor laws might make his head explode.

On second thought, do send him.

5 HappyWarrior  May 12, 2015 7:55:33pm

This is the guy that many genius “true conservatives” think should have been the Speaker of the House. West is such a fucking dumb ass. No wonder why conservatives love the guy. He’s a moron just like they are.

6 RealityBasedSteve  May 12, 2015 8:00:29pm

And that’s why we need a chain of “Steve*Marts”, to prevent this sort of thing happening.

And the minimum flair will be 40 pieces.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with these people. Have they no interest in the truth, or simply no use for it.


7 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 13, 2015 5:32:15am

Naturally, what loons will remember is the uncorrected version, before the clarification was added.

It’s illegal in most states for any cashier under 20 or 21 to ring up alcohol or tobacco. That’s the simplest explanation, but Butthead West has to concoct some Islamophobic explanation for “not-Steve” to not ring up the booze.

8 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 13, 2015 6:04:53am
“However, that isn’t to say Walmart isn’t selectively caving to Muslim demands, such as this case regarding Halal meat in Ohio.”

It’s the ‘selective caving’ that gets you every time. The Freedom of Religion thing, the wide variety of food now available for purchase.


9 sizzzzlerz  May 13, 2015 8:25:18am

West has obviously never been to Utah to witness their alcoholic beverages laws. Whole damn state must be full of muslims. And don’t get me started on the sharia-saturated dry counties in Kentucky.

10 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 13, 2015 10:48:17am

re: #9 sizzzzlerz

West has obviously never been to Utah to witness their alcoholic beverages laws. Whole damn state must be full of muslims. And don’t get me started on the sharia-saturated dry counties in Kentucky.

Yeah but Halal in Ohio!!!!11

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